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(fire cupping)

Ventosas, also known as cupping, is a therapeutic method that can utilize either fire or suction to increase circulation within the body. The cups create suction on the skin, which helps facilitate the flow of "Qi," the Chinese word for life force or vital energy.

The practice of ventosas aims to promote the balance and flow of Qi throughout the body's meridians or energy channels. By applying cups to specific points or areas of the body, the therapy helps release stagnation, improve blood circulation, and promote overall well-being.

The suction created by the cups can have various effects, such as relieving muscle tension, reducing pain, and promoting relaxation. It is believed that cupping can also stimulate the body's natural healing response and support the body's self-regulating mechanisms.

Whether using fire or wind to create the suction, the goal of ventosas is to enhance the body's energy flow and restore balance. It is often used as a complementary therapy alongside other healing modalities to address a wide range of physical and emotional conditions.



 The suction pressure provided by the cupping can​

  • Loosen muscles

  • remove energetic blockages and emotions

  • encourage blood flow 

  • sedate the nervous system

  • relieve back pain

  • relieve neck pain

  • relieve anxiety 

  • fatigue

  • migraine rheumatism

  • increase circulation

  • remove toxins

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